Is Routine Use of a Face Mask Necessary inside the Operating Room?

All participants age above 18 years old were eligible. It was a survey in a general population with a publicized announcement and consecutive convenience sample participated to respond to the questionnaires according to their interest. These included both healthcare workers (HCW) and non-HCW participants. A total number of 833 participants were enrolled determined by the sample size calculation. The study was planned to find out what proportion of adverse skin reactions caused by nose and mouth mask wearing. An estimate of proportion was .35 in the previous study.12 A confidence coefficient of 95% was desired, plus an absolute precision of .05 was used.

Face Mask

Face masks are worn by all operating room personnel when treating patients prone to infections like neurosurgery, vascular, and orthopedic procedures involving implants and regional anesthesia procedures (e.g. , spinal or epidural). Face Mask may also be employed to protect staff from contamination. All personnel wear face …